Hey everyone!
It's your friend again. This time I want to tell you about this AWESOME Christian group calledPureNRG.

They write sorta pop music. It is Christian, excpet not ALL the songs refer to it. They are just pure, fun, and up-beat music that makes you feel good listining to!! There is Caroline, Carolyne, and Jordan.
They are GREAT!!! I love their music. Their webpage is http://www.purenrgonline.com/
Also, check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POWv0sexLSo. It is really really funny!!
I have watched it probably like 200 times in the last week. Hope you like this all, and enjoy my blog. GO PURENRG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. If ANY of the PureNRG kids are reading this please please please please please leave a comment!!!!!! I would be thrilled to death!!!! :) :) :) Luv ya guys!