Wednesday, January 14, 2009

All About Ferrets

Here is a little overview of ferrets that I wrote:

Ferrets as Pets

By Audrey

Ferrets make wonderful pets. They are fun, loving, playful, and just plain silly.
Here are the basics:

--Ferret ARE NOT rodents. They come from the family mustelid (like otters, weasels, polecats,
stoats, black-footed ferrets, martens, badgers, and wolverines)
--Ferret cost about $120. They need annually shots and vaccinations just like cats
--They rely on human compassion. Without interaction 2 or 3 hours a day, ferrets will become depressed.
--They are very mischievous. They get into stuff all the time. They like to take things and "steal" them (if your keys are missing,
you know who took them. =) )
--They can be litter box trained like a cat. Most ones at pet shops don't come trained, but they catch on very quickly
--A ferret should not bite, unless it has been previously been abused.

Altogether, ferrets make wonderful pets. They are loving, compassionate, and just plain silly. They love to make their owners laugh.

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